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I Miss My Ex Girlfriend – How do I Get Over this Real Pain

"The Breakup hit me like a ton of bricks..."

So, you were unlucky and you never saw the ton of bricks coming your way. Or was it you who decided that your relationship isn’t worth it? Regardless of what happened, the feelings after a breakup are quite similar.

You may be devastated, and it’s not always easy to manage the painful days, weeks and months that follow. This article will help you out.​

​"I’m feeling Numb…"

I miss my ex girlfriend … I always wanted to dump her but Why do I miss my ex? Heartbreak after a breakup is more than an emotional challenge.

And to some extent, the pain is quite real. Ending your long-term relationship can trigger disappointment, depression and intense feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

There’s a never ending limit to what you feel after a breakup because there are so many things you loved about that person in so many different ways.

Some people say that ‘they miss their ex’ because their relationship was so perfect, meaningful and passionate.’

i miss my ex girlfriend

"Ending your long-term relationship can trigger disappointment, depression and intense feelings of sadness and hopelessness..."

Well, one reason you might be missing your ex is that we as ‘classic humans’ are constantly looking for ways to fulfill our emotions.

If you search for this answer, you would know why you loved doing things for your ex.

"I Miss My Ex Girlfriend" - How to Get Rid of That Thought

Am I missing her or am I only missing the memory of that person?

Humans are emotional - yes, we all are guilty. That’s the way we were built and this perhaps will never change.

We create an image about an individual as the relationship grows and sometimes, our interpretations are way off the mark and this one big reason relationships fall apart.

​You may miss your girlfriend when you are craving for those strong, pleasant emotions. Of course missing someone you loved is completely understandable.

We don’t like to be alone and there would be times when you’d want to have someone in your life to share your emotions with

But if you’re missing your girlfriend, you are probably missing people who treated you like garbage and this isn’t something to be proud of.

Then there‘s a chance that you simply didn’t care about her and decided to take a step back and end your relationship. Well if this is the case, you simply can’t blame her … blame yourself for your sad state of affairs.

Actually, it’s not easy to differentiate between true love and infatuation.

Often it’s our loneliness and imagination that forces us to dwell on memories and false beliefs and less reality.

If you seem to miss your ex only during the hard times, don’t be fooled into believing that you actually miss her.

However, if you miss her during the good times and the happiness you feel, there’s a chance that you love this person.

Check out this video:​

Heartbreak – the Pain is Real

If your girlfriend dumped you viciously, it can feel like someone punched you hard in the stomach.

Guess what? While a breakup is not physical, your brain would still make you feel you’re physically hurt.

Naomi Eisenbuerger, assistant professor of psychology says that social rejections and breakup trigger the same area of your brain that is stimulated when you’re physically hurt.

So if you say “I miss my ex girlfriend and it hurts like hell”, you may be right!

Here’s another interesting research. Helen Fisher, author of ‘Why We Love’ days that people who have been dumped recently are literally undergoing withdrawal from the love their girlfriends or partner offered.

This should explain ‘I miss my ex girlfriend’ feelings after being left alone. Your brain just can’t stop thinking about her and you would be wondering whether you can ever get over these obsessive feelings.

Get Back In the Game

Have you been dumped? Did your relationship end abruptly? Well, welcome to the breakup club.

It’s not surprising that you will miss your ex girlfriend and obsess over her. But it’s time to move on.

Here's how:​

1. Go Cold Turkey​

The best way to stop missing your ex girlfriend is to take control of your feelings before they start controlling you.

You need to put away her photographs and memories and at the same time, delete her from your Facebook and Twitter profiles.

Here’s another friendly advice- you should avoid stalking your ex on Facebook, Instagram, or even WhatsApp and don’t ever ask her friends about her love life or her new love interest.

Check out this video:​

2. You can be sad … but not for too long!

The emotional pain after a breakup can be devastating but you shouldn’t make post-breakup sadness or grief a way of life.

You can miss your girlfriend for a couple of weeks and whether this means crying, moaning or remembering her, this has to end.

Simply put, it’s completely healthy to rethink the relationship in your mind, but you should also try to keep your emotions in check.

Understand your role in the breakup, think about all what happened but in the end, stop dwelling on the past mistakes and allow yourself to continue living your life the way you want.​

Remember it is important that you create new emotional experience and make new memories to make the post-breakup phase easier.

3. Give Your Life Good Deep Cleansing

You know that it is difficult to move on with your life if you are surrounded by constant reminders of a relationship that ended on a sour note.

This simply means you need to take out the physical objects that serve as mementos of the time you spent together.

In addition, you should avoid watching movies and visiting places you both enjoyed at least for a couple of months.

Deep cleansing is therapeutic but you shouldn’t completely eliminate all memory triggers from your life.

Think about it this way. If you become too focused to not think about ‘Why I miss my ex girlfriend’ you will actually end up more time thinking about her than moving on.

The Bottom line – Now that you have moved On, Cheer Up and Gear Up!

You will be miserable for a few days after the breakup.

Somehow you will find yourself thinking about her and approaching other women will all these thoughts inside your head is definitely a bad idea.

Women do sense desperation and being rejected again at this stage will make you feel even worse.

Instead of saying ‘I miss my ex girlfriend’ or dwelling on the past relationship, remember the freedom and good things that come with being single.

Now that you have the freedom to do what you want, it’s time to celebrate. Do whatever makes you happy and start smiling again.

Get back in the game and start hanging out with your old friends and do everything you missed doing while you were busy in a relationship.

Also chances are you’ll find yourself with lots of free time, so test out your pickup skills and become the new hit ‘single.’

Remember, there are women out there waiting for you, so what are you waiting for? Put your act together and let the ladies fall for you.

What do you think?

Written by Terrence Kennedy

Terrence Kennedy is the man’s man on a journey to self-discovery. A traveler, extreme sports aficionado, an observant wanderer, a DIY-Know-How, an ultimate outsider and a documentarist of culture, sex, dating, relationship, fashion, style and gentleman's etiquette. He has learned a lot through his escapades, and is happy to pass that knowledge on to you.