Best Bike Front and Rear Lights for this Fall Season
With the days getting shorter, and the nights getting longer, you need a light if you’re going to be riding at night. Not only do you need a white light at the front and a red one at the rear legally, it’s dangerous to not have these.
They’re even more important during the fall and winter months due to the sun setting earlier. It’s also sensible to use lights to help with visibility, since if the sun is too bright, many motorists might not see you. Bike lights give the rider more visibility when it’s bright outside.
But what’s the best bike light to choose? Well, here are the best recommendations for you.
Spotlight: The ReeLight Nova
This is probably one of the best rear lights on the market, in that it is powered without any friction, so it’s super efficient. You won’t ever need to worry about batteries or charging, so it will always be one when you’re ridding, and also when you do stop at red lights.
It has about 80 lumens of power, and is the right choice if you want a cone light of light, and if you want to have it on a bike that’s easy to mount, it contains a mounting system, which is easy to put on and not easy to steal due to the assembly that requires a tool that comes with it.
It’s a constant light that uses no batteries, and it’s powered by a rotating magnet. It is also great because it is a high-powered road light too. It’s available as both a front and rear light, and the Reelight products often are known for being quality products that will get you the illumination you need.