Have you been searching for a new pocket knife to keep in your catch-all drawer? Or maybe you want to gift one to a family member or a friend who may need one? There are so many on the market but the Classic Alox pocket knife is the best option for so many, and it can be perfect for you too.

Coming from the makers of the Original Swiss Army Knife, the Classic Alox is a swiss made pocket knife that has many different tools to help you in your everyday life. A pocket knife like the Classic Alox is a lifetime investment, for only a small and affordable price, as once you purchase this. You’ll never get rid of it. With a new modern design, the classic aspect of this pocket knife is that it is the same make that has been made for decades.
There are many features to the Classic Alox that will make it the perfect pocket knife for you and others;
- Pocket knives are a common household item, not for protection but mainly for the multifunctional aspect of the tool. The Classic Alox holds five different tools to make your day-to-day easier and they include a small blade, a nail file, a key ring, scissors, and a 2.5mm screwdriver.
- Most pocket knives come in a silver color but now you can have a more personalized pocket knife as the Classic Alox comes in ten different color variations from peach, to greens, reds, and blues.
- The Classic Alox is so lightweight that some customers have reported feeling like the box was empty when it arrived at their home, this goes to show just how portable the Classic Alox is. You are able to slide it in your back pocket or bag and forget that it is even there as you go about your day, pulling it out only if you need it.
When picking a new pocket knife either for yourself or for someone else, there is nothing better than the Classic Alox, from its color variations to its versatility, you will be able to use it whenever needed and forget about it when it isn’t in use.